Contributed by Kathleen Haynes      Contact Myrtle Bridges     August 23, 2008

				Cedar Hill Farm
				Broad Run Va.
				June 23rd, 1919

My dear Miss Sue,
	When your letter came I didn't have time to answer and I do have so many interruptions 
I can't halfway write even now, and add to that a bum pen and inferior paper and you'll see 
how I stand. This farm is about fifteen miles above my home and I rode down once and want to 
do it again this week. It is beautiful country, and they are harvesting wheat just now. 
	My farm job - well, it ain't here. I am a nurse, Pollyanna kind preferred, but that is the 
hardest to be for over any length of time. Nearly three months now since I left my happy home.  
When I can establish surroundings - so to speak. I do not find it so hard, but when you find them 
ready made, as in private practice, why the undertaking is sometimes made difficult.
	Oh, Miss Sue*, I'm so tired - so tired of everything - it is personally hard to be a Polly Anna**. 
I'd like to go out in the woods and get away from everybody, and do a Rip Van Winkle stunt. It's a 
great life - if you don't weaken. 
	I wrote to Frank about the Holy Gent and he says he knows of no one who would be suitable as 
all live, wide-awake ones have gotten churches 'fore this. He suggests that you write to Dr. W. W. Moore 
- Union Theological Seminary, as he knows about preacher men past, present and future. 
	Frank is the same dear old fellow. We have been having a great argument as to whether he shall 
continue to be my friend in case I get married if such a possibility should arise. It has been a hot 
one and brought forth some documents of literary merit - and he hasn't decided yet. 
	I don't know how much longer I shall have to be here. I have to dress Uncle Will's leg about twice 
or three times a week. He is still pretty helpless tho' he can get around on crutches fairly well now.
	What Gordon do you mean, my little nephew? I hope your brother is at home by now - is he going to be 
discharged or will he stay in the service? I don't know where Becky is. Was just thinking about him the 
other day. Frank Johns is back at the G.W. and a cousin of mine, Bill Rixey, as one of the interns. 
Don't know when I will get to Richmond, not before fall. Saw Katy West in Richmond when I was there in 
May. I was rather astonished about Laura. Hope I shall be allowed to officiate. I'm crazy to see J.K., Jr. 
How's your big niece? And the Regal Lady? With much love to them and to you,
	I am your devoted would-be Polly Anna

*In 1919 Miss Sue Virginia Tate was chairman of the Home Service Section, American Red Cross, Morganton, NC
**Pollyanna: A person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic.

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