Contributed by Kathleen Haynes      Contact Myrtle Bridges     September 20, 2008

 Wilhelmina to Sue. (Even though this letter is labeled 5 May 1902 it is more likely to have been 5 May 1923) 

Dear Sue,
	Thanks for stockings and thread. Both are good matches. Let me know what Ann says about peach blooms. 
Why does she go so often to *Pine Forest?   Nan & Ed thought you would be ready to come home with us, but 
as we decided it would not be worth going if the blooms were killed, you will come back as you went down. 
Look in this week's 'Standard' in children's department. [The preceding sentence is written in margin of 
first page of letter.]

Mary Murphy is here and quite portly, but lost all her looks. I never thought she had much to lose. She 
came up for "Mother's" things, and I had the chair, but Miss Kate may remember it. She is very much like 
Bud Bartly's mother. I've been mean. 

Miss Kate, Frank and Pat decided to wait until next week to go to Asheville. With love for you, Lala and 
Ann.  I work longer when She is in. 
							    Aff[ectionately]  Wilhelmina

A current map shows Pine Forest is near St. Andrews College in Laurinburg, Scotland County. This is an area where peach trees are plentiful and the pink
blooms are beautiful this time of year. Sue is with Aunt Laura 'Lala' Ray and Ann (?) in Fayetteville, Cumberland County about twenty miles away. Bridges

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